Experts in sustainable packaging

Eco friendly packaging from Pont

Based on the alarming global situation and with the raise in environmental concern, the EU commission has set the European Plastic Strategy which is aimed at tackling the plastic waste issues and fixes ambitious objectives for both industry and brands. From increasing percentage of recyclable material to be used in packaging (50% by 2025 and 55% by 2030) to the ban on micro plastics, the rules relating to the use of plastic packaging are numerous, complex and can vary from country to country. Main goal is to reach a circular economy in 2050; preventing packaging waste, boosting reuse and refill and making all plastic packaging by 2030 reusable, recyclable or compostable.

The EU is also considering the use of financial incentives to encourage brands to use sustainable packaging whilst extra charges could be incurred by those brands using poorly recyclable solutions. This has already been put into place in the UK in 2022 (Plastic Packaging Tax), Spain (2023) and Italy is expected to follow in 2024.

The EU is proposing new EU-wide rules on packaging, to tackle the constantly growing source of waste. For consumers they will ensure reusable packaging options, reduce unnecessary packaging, limit over packaging, and provide clear labels to support correct recycling.

For the industry they want to decrease the need for virgin materials and boosting Europe’s recycling capacity to make Europe less dependent on primary resources and external suppliers. Producers need to take more responsibility in designing new plastic packaging which is reusable, recyclable and with mandatory rates of recycled content. Manufacturers are held responsible for the entire lifecycle of a product. This includes recycling and take-back programs to ensure that goods are properly disposed.

The influx of information can become confusing and that’s why, at Pont, we are committed to bringing full support and assistance to our customers in this area. 

From the complete existing packaging assessment to the design of the most suitable and sustainable solution, we will help you to respect the new rules and to avoid unnecessary penalties on non-sustainable packaging.

Experts in sustainable packaging
Experts in sustainable packaging
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A truly sustainable approach

A truly sustainable approach

The prism of global sustainability

At Pont, we are closely following the new solutions and we do our best to get customers to consider opting for more sustainable options as much as possible like the recycled PET, recycled PE or biobased materials. The packaging material must become an asset and not a waste, and that’s why, at Pont, we strongly believe in the recyclability of packaging materials. From our point of view, biodegradable materials are not the most sustainable solution as, at the end of the product life, the entire resource is lost and thus do not enter the circular economy concept. We prefer recyclable materials.

And last but not least, it goes without saying that every organisation must consider their environmental impact from a wider perspective than just the eco-friendly packaging aspect. Indeed, all departments & activities of a company must be analysed through the prism of global sustainability: reuse of cardboard boxes for shipping, bio or recycled plastic film wrap, overall energy policy, optimising transport, business travel, printed material, mailing & invoicing, etc.

Check out our range of glass jars on our main site

A truly sustainable approach

Our PONT of view?
Follow the 4 Rs …

Icon Reduce material where possible

Reduce material where possible

A light weight version of a product is an easy way to have a positive impact by reducing the overall quantity of material. We aim at developing and producing our packaging as light weight where possible without compromising the functionality of the packaging. Not for each item a light weighted version is possible. For Pont this is an ongoing process of reviewing our ranges to improve on weight. Other possible options are scaling down secondary packaging, and redesigning packaging to the minimum functional size.
Icon Design products fit for recycling

Design products fit for recycling

More than just choosing the material, shape and colour of the container, it is important to consider the combination of the whole package - the container/bottle with the cap, the choice of label and the type of glue which can all make the difference between a recyclable item and an unrecyclable one. Every single piece has its own importance and has to be chosen for your specific needs. We are reviewing and updating our product ranges to be recyclable.
Icon Use of recycled materials

Use of recycled materials

Recycled PET, recycled PE, and glass are all materials which can offer similar performances as their original versions and can be recycled many times. Today, the recycled PET is food grade and can be used for all the same applications as the virgin one. The recycled PE doesn’t offer the food grade but can be used for many other applications. At Pont we want to emphasize recycling so that less new material has to be used. By 2030 all packaging needs to be recyclable, and needs to have a certain percentage of recycled content (where possible). So our main target for the coming years will be to comply with this goal.
Icon Use of renewable materials

Use of renewable materials

Using natural raw material for your packaging is a great step towards sustainability and to reduce your global carbon foot print. Biobased PE material offers the same properties as the petrol based one, it’s recyclable and also has the same food certification. Biobased plastic is derived from biological substances (renewable sources). At Pont we use material made from the waste of sugarcane production, not using any food ingredients nor disturbing the food chain.

Extra advice for
the complete package

The recyclability of packaging material

The packaging industry has never been under such pressure to answer all environmental concerns from brands and consumers and numerous options are being introduced into the market. Consumers want eco-friendly packaging and to step away from single-use plastics (shopping bags, cutlery, wrapping foils). 

The EU is drawing up increasingly stricter rules, to ban single use plastics (SUP) for example plastic straws, and the disposable packaging from fast food chains. But also free small shampoo bottles in hotels.

Going for a recycled or bio-based container is already a great step forward but it is also of importance to make sure that your final packaging will be recyclable. The ultimate goal is that the packaging material will be reused again through recycling. To ensure the recyclability of a packaging, we need to consider the complete packaging including caps and closures, the label & the glue, the sleeve, the shipping box, etc. That’s where Pont wants to help by providing extra hints and tips relating to all aspects of the package.

Extra advice for <br/>the complete package
Extra advice for <br/>the complete package

What does it mean?

Terms & Meanings


The term ‘biobased’ only indicates the source of the material. It refers to what was used to make the material. Biobased plastics are made of materials derived from biomass (plants, e.g. corn, sugarcane, starch etc.). The end result is still plastic and not biological material, but it’s recyclable. Renewable is often used as a synonym for biobased. Raw materials can be considered renewable if they can be naturally replenished within the lifespan of an average human and include agricultural crops and some species of trees.


The term ‘biodegradable’ only indicates the end-of-life of the material. Biodegradable material can be either biobased or made of fossil fuels. Biodegradable plastics break down under specific conditions within a period of time. The material decomposes by specific microorganisms into water, carbon dioxide or methane and biomass and is a natural process without any time limitation.


Industrial compostability of packaging criteria are set out in the European standard EN 13432. It requires the compostable plastics to disintegrate after 12 weeks and completely biodegrade after six months. That means that 90% of the plastic material will have been converted to CO2. Not to be confused with home compostability which works under different and more challenging conditions. So, every compostable plastic can bio degrade, but not every biodegradable plastic can be used for the compost at home nor industrial composting. Compostable plastics are made from polylactic acid (PLA). PLA is made from dextrose, a sugar produced by plants. Currently, the most common raw material for PLA is field corn. Compostable plastics are the best choice for food specific items that will have food residue in it after use, e.g. teabags or coffee pads.

Due to the rapid evolution of the sustainability into the packaging sector as well as local differences of recycling processes and law, information provided within this document are for information only.
We advise you to check your local regulation’s update.